Pictures, Rehearsals - posted on March 24, 2015 by

Rehearsing on the dark side of Venus!

#tastieristeappassionate #chitarristisorridenti #batteristiconcentrati #cantantiscapigliate



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Fanart, Pictures - posted on March 11, 2015 by


Thank you, Vieri Candelise :)


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News - posted on March 6, 2015 by

Welcome Elayne

Come molti di voisenza titolo-356-Modifica già sanno, la nostra cantante Ida Elena ha iniziato un nuovo percorso con il gruppo symphonic metal BARE INFINITY. Le auguriamo tanto successo e adesso diamo un calorosissimo benvenuto alla nostra nuova splendida cantante, già conosciuta come voce dei Dunwich: Francesca Elayne Naccarelli!

As many of you already know, our singer Ida Elena has started a new path with symphonic metal band Bare Infinity. We wish her a lot of success! Now let’s warmly welcome our beautiful new singer, already known as the voice of Dunwich: Francesca Elayne Naccarelli!


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